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Shidō-sha  指導者



Qualified Instructor Tendoryu Aikido

Jannie 2018.JPG
In 2016 Jannie decided to establish Tendoryu Aikido ZuidWest in Rijswijk.

In addition to taking care of Aikido training, Jannie also trains regularly and visits various Aikido internships both national an international.

Jannie was personally graduated by Shimizu Sensei to Sandan (3rd dan) 
He also received the title of "Qualified Instructor Tendoryu Aikido".
 (The granting of this license means that the teacher in question is allowed to teach in the "Tendoryu Aikido" style according to the rules and guidelines of the Tendokan in Tokyo.)
In addition Jannie is a Government graduate  Aikido teacher from “Aikido Nederland”.
This license is supervised, and meets the guidelines of the NOC * NSF

Jannie has been working professionally for many years as a trainer - teacher in the security industry.
Thanks to his professional (international) experiences and training courses, the lessons given by Jannie are professionally designed both on didactic and pedagogical level.
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